10/30/23: Crystal Solimando

Hey hey FOTO fam! My name is Crystal and I am a 2022 FOTO alum (an oldie *tear*). I was a liaison my junior year and have been a Dancer Relations member all four years of college. 

My FOTO journey is a little bit different as I didn’t join until my junior year. I was happily one of the DR members taking care of three of the best, most inspiring (now) FOTO alums who danced in THON 2020 (Shoutout Jake Jurich, Pat Kilker, and Ryan Kerrigan!). Being able to see how lively and energetic FOTO was in the crowd and getting to see how much support their dancers were receiving made me realize I wanted to be part of something like that. I had the privilege and honor of meeting majority of FOTO that year and loved every second of it. They weren’t lying when they said FOTO is truly family. My dancers made such a huge impact on me and influenced me to join FOTO the following year. Joining was the best decision I could have ever made. The friendships, the support, and the outpouring love for one another is unmatched. 

Now that I am a working adult (ew) I got to work with the Four Diamonds kids as a nurse and got to see first-hand how much our dedication to the cause truly helps these kids. Every single fundraiser, ribbon sale, bake sale, meeting, and family event does more than you know. So, get involved, hang out with the families, and even when things start to get tiring and demanding, DO IT ANYWAY. Because you don’t realize how much of an influence and how appreciated you are by these kids and their families. Leave PSU feeling proud of all your accomplishments and the impact you left on these kids.   


©2024 FOTO
