...with recruitment. Look for FOTO at the HUB Lawn Involvement Fair at the beginning of the semester, as well as the THON Involvement Fair. Officers are there to answer questions and help you join FOTO. Soon after, weekly meetings begin that keep everyone up to date on upcoming trips, contests, and fundraising opportunities.
Over the year there are meetings for a number of FOTO's committees, as well. Leadership and Donor Relations meetings are great ways to get involved, as are Family Relations (FR) meetings. Members who join the FR committee frequently interact with our four FOTO families and their amazing kids!
During breaks from school, FOTO orchestrates fundriasers like ribbon sales and restaurant fundraisers out in our members' communities! Opportunities like these are fantastic ways bond with others of the FOTO Family.
In the case of THON 2018, FOTO raised $113,409 through a year of dedication and fun—earning 4th place among all SI Orgs! Joining FOTO means diving into opportunities to laugh, cry, and make a difference with faces both new and familiar.
Help FOTO help countless others!
Donate to the Four Diamonds Fund through FOTO's THON DonorDrive page!