hey guys jule here!!
just everyone’s favorite old head here reminding you that it’s NEVER too late to get involved in this amazing THON special interest org or THON in general! here’s a little backstory if you’re new here (and if you are, hello welcome):
I started my college days at penn state altoona where participating in THON wasn’t common. I always knew I wanted to get involved so I joined in on probably the last canning weekend ever (a time way before anyone in this room even thought of college). When THON came around my freshman year I clearly had no idea what I was doing. I randomly showed up to the BJC in any neon clothing I could find, didn’t belong to an org and even tried to sit down to eat my chicken finger basket because I thought it was allowed when you’re up in the nose bleeds (it’s not).
Skipping to junior year (because I had the flu sophomore year) I finally transferred to University Park and was fully prepared to get more involved in THON. So, my genius idea was to join a sorority (no hate, just wasn’t for me). I ended up staying at THON all but 2 hours, hysterically cried all of final four and had a lip gloss and sparkles mixture crusted to my face for all of it. But let me tell ya I had the time of my life! Anyway fast forward to the best part, when I met the FOTO gang!!
Finally senior year (part 1) I finally join a THON org! I truly don’t know why it had to take me this long but yanno here we are. I show up to the first meeting and I’m like “hey hello, new here, i’m gonna try to be one of your dancers. cool? cool.” First off, what was I thinking but also I’m a genius. Even though I was brand new, had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into, attempting to dance my first year in FOTO was the absolute best thing that could have ever happened to me. It motivated me to participate in all the fundraisers, family trips and retreats, all of which allowed me to become closer with our amazing THON families, members and alumni. I have made so many selfless friends along the way and I am so grateful.
So sappy I’m sorry I’m washed up and depressed I’m not with you guys right now at an IN PERSON meeting. Okay, back on track. By getting super involved in FOTO I was able to go on the BJC floor during THON for multiple time slots and even Final Four (my favorite) to support our amazing crew of dancers!! Lemme tell ya, I was amped up at this point. So I went into my SUPER senior year, fired up and ready to become more involved than ever…I went out for the exec board. I had the pleasure of being a family relations chair with the goat himself, Pat Kilker. Even though we were virtual the whole school year Pat and I had a blast as co chairs and I strongly encourage you guys to try it out for yourself!!!
Okay here’s the grand finale of this story, I was one of the THON 2021 dancers. YUP the crew that made history dancing 46 hours in an Airbnb. So many amazing people made that happen for us and I will ever be so thankful for that weekend!!
Here’s the moral of this long story, this FOTO fam really is your family. I know all of us Alum say it but I promise you we aren’t lying!! I hope you all take in every second of your college years here at Penn State, before you know it you’re old and wishing you could redo it all over again. I hope to see you all some time this year!! Love you guys!
Love, Jule