12/9/19: Libby McConlogue

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Hello FOTO pals!!! 

For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Libby and for those of you that do, hey what’s up miss you guys. It’s hard to put into words my love for this organization but I’ll do my best. 

I can honestly and wholeheartedly say that FOTO was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. From the very moment I joined freshman year, I knew that I was a part of something so special. FOTO has impacted me in ways that I never thought possible and has taught me lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. From life-long friendships to bonds with our amazing families that have inspired me behind their understanding, I owe my amazing college experience in part to FOTO. From ribbon sales to bowling and everything in between, I have made so many memories that I will treasure forever. You guys have really found an incredible organization here and I cannot wait to see the amazing things you will continue to do this year and in the years to come.

I’ll leave you with a few words of advice. Cherish every moment of your years at Penn State and with FOTO because before you know it you’ll find yourself writing an alumni of the week post from your cubicle somewhere in the real world and it will hurt a little that you’re no longer at a point in your life when its acceptable to wear leggings and a sweatshirt all the time and sleep until noon every day and avoid responsibilities to watch Hallmark Christmas movies with your roommates. Anyway, I miss college so I’ll stop before I get too in my bag. 

Love you all so much, ttyl :)

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