9/7/21: Megh Chic


Hi FOTO!!!!


I’m gonna start this one off with saying how incredibly JEALOUS I am of all of you sitting in on this Monday (*Tuesday*) meeting right now. 


For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Meghan (you can call me Megh just don’t forget the h), and I was in this awesome org my 4 years at Penn State. I also served on the exec board my junior and senior year with some of the amazing peeps you see in front of you right now, and was fortunate enough to dance in THON 2020.


If you’re a new member this year, just be ready for one of the most fulfilling life experiences you will ever have. Doesn’t matter if you are joining as a freshman, sophomore or an upperclassmen. I can promise you that the journey you take involved in THON and, more specifically, FOTO will be worth it all. Worth every minute you stand at a bake sale, every hour you crank out at a ribbon sale (shoutout havertown colonial), every meeting you attend on a Monday night (*Tuesday*), and every single smile and laugh you get out of one of our kids. 


The time you put in is worth it all, so if I can give one piece of advice it would be to do everything you can, meet everyone you can, and enjoy every second of it. Like I said, there are some pretty awesome people up here, and every single one is worth getting to know and learn exactly why they stand up here every single week. You guys are probably going to hear this in every single alumni of the week post to get involved, and it may sound repetitive, but it is 100% true that you should do everything possible. If I hadn’t been as involved my freshman year I wouldn’t have met some of my best friends (even went as far as to have them as roommates too). You won’t regret getting involved in FOTO, and sure I may be a little biased when I say that, but I truly mean it. 


I hope you all are already having an awesome year getting to know each other and doing crazy icebreakers (egg roulette better happen soon). Can’t wait to hopefully meet some of you soon and to the 201 girls, get your couch ready because I’ll be there soon:)


Much love to you all (please don’t treat me as super washed up when you meet me),





©2024 FOTO
