11/11/24: Bennett Kruse & Alaina Rodemoyer

Name: Bennett KruseSUNP0039


Year: Freshman


Hometown: Lebanon, PA


Major: Hospitality Management 


What was the most interesting piece of trash you picked up?


The most interesting part of the stadium clean up was Marley finding the

buffalo chicken dip that is not sold at the stadium...


What is something you want to do on your bucket list and why is it important to you?


Something on my bucket list is to go skydiving because I want to challenge

myself by experiencing new things


Are you Team Spotify or Team Apple Music and why? 


I'm Team Spotify because it's more popular and the wrapped is better 



Name: Alaina RodemoyerScreenshot 2024 11 11 175033


Year: Freshman


Hometown: North East, PA


Major: Kinesiology


What was the most interesting piece of trash you picked up?


A chicken tender basket soaked in hot chocolate


What is something you want to do on your bucket list and why is

it important to you?


I want to travel to Greece because I find it important to travel the world and

experience other cultures


Are you Team Spotify or Team Apple Music and why? 


TEAM SPOTIFY. Tbh, I don't know why, I have always just used Spotify 


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