11/12/18: Alex Zanetti

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Name: Alex Zanetti
Hometown: Abington, PA
Graduated: May 2014
FOTO cred: MediaTech Officer 2012-13, Fundraising Officer 2013-14, danced in THON 2014

I joined FOTO my freshman year at the recommendation of my friend who’s sister was part of the officer board (see: Alumni of the Week Laura Guinan) (shout out Jamie). I knew I wanted to get involved in THON in some capacity but was COMPLETLEY clueless how it all even worked. (What’s a committee? Do you have to literally dance for 46 hours? I’m not even a good dancer?) Little did I know that first meeting inside Wartik 100 was the start of something that defined my college experience and shaped my life today.

There are too many special memories throughout the years involved with FOTO it’s hard to pick a favorite! From holding down the fort in the stands at 4 am on Saturday morning of THON weekend as a Freshman, to celebrating Logan’s birthday at the YMCA with his friends and family, to racing with Megan and Austin at the Hershey 5k. One of the funniest memories during THON weekend as a dancer my senior year was splitting my shorts on the dance floor. I couldn’t leave to change or make a big deal because Rich Lion was about to propose to Jess in front of everyone!! Guess I couldn’t contain my excitement…

‘FOTO is Family’ is a true testament to the origin of organization being founded in honor of a family member- Tommy Fontaine-and holds true to the community it has created and fostered today. I met so many incredible people being involved in FOTO- the members, the families, and other THON organization members, that I sincerely consider them my family.

To current members: it can never be said enough, but take in every moment of THON. Whether it’s fundraising for a bake sale on a Friday night, spending a Saturday afternoon with the Knapers, Eslingers, or the Tramels, or dancing your butt off in the final 4 hours of THON weekend. You are part of an amazing philanthropy with exceptional human beings that is making a difference in a child’s life every single day. Never forget that!

Keep up all your hard work in the fight against pediatric cancer that make all us FOTO alumni so proud!!

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©2024 FOTO
